Small Cattle - African Sacrifice
Small Cattle - African Sacrifice
While it symbolizes Muslims' submission to Allah, it is also a spiritual means of supporting people in need. By distributing the meat of sheep sacrificed to the needy members of the society, their physical needs are met and financial support is provided.
The Holy Quran states that the main purpose of sacrificial worship is not the meat or blood of the animal, but the person's sincerity and piety towards Allah:
“Neither their meat nor their blood reaches Allah; It is only your piety that will reach Him. So Allah has given them to your use, so that you may honor Him (جل جلاله) for showing you the right path. Give good news to those who follow the path of goodness!” (Surah Hajj, 22/37)
You can also perform this auspicious act of worship and help those in need by donating a sheep sacrifice.